Why are your block sizes/houses getting so small?



Why are your block sizes/houses getting so small?

If you’re considering purchasing a house & land package, or a block of your own land, when doing your research, you may have noticed that the lot sizes are smaller than you thought they’d be – and you’d be right. 

The 2021 State of the Land report from the Urban Development Institute of Australia shows that the median lot size in Sydney has continued to decrease to record low sizes, down to less than 375sqm in 2020. That’s a big departure from the old-fashioned Aussie dream of a “quarter-acre” block (or 1,011sqm)! 

The decrease in lot sizes is driven in large part by rising land prices. As Developers are required to pay more for broad acre land, they in turn need to decrease the individual lot sizes in order to get enough yield from their developments.  

And let’s face it, land in Sydney is unlikely to get cheaper any time soon, which is why it’s important to focus on making the most of the land you have. As lot sizes have declined, there’s been an increase in cleverly designed homes that maximise the available space. 

At Champion we’ve got a range of specialist narrow-lot designs, developed to suit blocks with frontages as narrow as 7m. Even with these tight dimensions, you’ll feel at home in these spacious-feeling single and double storey designs, which are still able to accommodate up to 4 bedrooms, multiple indoor living areas, and dedicated outdoor living spaces. 

So, as you consider your options for narrower lots, make sure to choose home designs specifically developed to make the most of the space available.  

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