Get Out Your Green Thumb: The Top 5 Low Maintenance House Plants



Get Out Your Green Thumb: The Top 5 Low Maintenance House Plants

You’ve read all about the numerous physical and mental health benefits of owning house plants. 

Now, you’d like to add a bit of green to your home while also enjoying the natural air purification properties that indoor plants have to offer. 

There’s only one small problem: you don’t exactly have the greenest thumb in the world. You’ve tried talking to your plants, switching up their exposure to light, and even tried complicated watering schedules in the past—with no luck. 

Now, you’re ready to try again. 

But this time around, you’d like to learn about the types of plants for your home that even you’ll be able to take care of. You want plants that will work in any room in your home, from the bathroom to the kitchen and beyond. 

Keep on reading this post to figure out which low-maintenance house plants are right for you. 

1. Wax Plants

Let’s start off our list of the best plants with one that’s native to Australia, the stunning wax plant (also known as the Hoya plant.)  

Especially if you’re looking for plants that will give off a subtle, but still delicious, fragrance, then wax plants could well be your top choice. 

Though you don’t want to hang this plant directly in your hottest window, it can certainly stand up to bright light. Anywhere that it gets nearly-constant exposure to indirect light is ideal. 

Water these plants about once every 10-14 days in the summer and about every 4 weeks during the winter months. 

You’ll need to be patient when waiting for this flower to bloom, so if the leaves don’t spread or the white and pink buds don’t open right away, don’t panic.  

2. Begonias 

Begonias are the perfect indoor plants for Australians because they notoriously thrive in warm, even hot, conditions. 

Perhaps this is because they come from Central and South America, meaning that they’re used to subtropical climates. Especially if you’re looking for house plants that offer a stunning pop of colour—often pink or purple, then begonias are a wonderful addition to your current home decor. 

For best results, place your begonias in indirect, but still bright, sunlight.

You can plant them in a standard flower pot anywhere you’d like.

If you live in a drier part of Australia or if your home gets dry in the winter, you may want to switch out your begonias from their pot to a tray with pebbles and water. This helps them to get the humidity they need without the risk of drowning them. 

Speaking of overwatering, begonias are highly sensitive to water. Only water them when you see signs that they’re dry, like bent leaves. Water underneath the leaves only to prevent disease. 

3. Mother-in-Law’s Tongue 

Though in certain company you may not want to reveal this house plant’s name, we think it’s a wonderful joke you can share with yourself. You can refer to it by its other name, the snake plant, when the situation calls for it. 

Interestingly, this plant is directly related to asparagus, which is what gives it those tell-tale spiky leaves. It’s also easily recognized because of the different shades of green and yellow veins that run across the wide leaves. 

It’s a great choice for those who are interested in more architectural houseplants. In fact, mother-in-law’s tongue can sometimes grow up to 2.5 meters high (so make sure you give this plant plenty of space to thrive.)

This plant doesn’t have quite as specific lighting needs as others on this list. 

Though of course, indirect sunlight is ideal, this plant can also do well in dimmer lighting and even direct sunlight. When you’re choosing your soils, look for one that contains a bit of sand to keep this plant happy. 

In the winter months, you only need to water it about once a month. Once a week or so will be enough during the summer. 

4. The Dragon Tree

It’s tough not to feel powerful when you have an indoor plant that’s named after a dragon.

If you’re looking for a true statement plant to compliment your current home decor, the dragon tree is the right match. These plants are native to Madagascar, so they won’t be shocked by the Australian climate. 

Put this plant in a north-facing window to ensure that it gets the right amount of light each day. This is another plant that you’ll need to be mindful of overwatering as it can begin to rot quickly. 

While you should mist the plant about 2-3 times each week, only water it about once per week for best results. As this plant can grow quite quickly, you may also need to get your pruning shears out about once a month or so. 

Everyone Can Handle These Beginner-Friendly House Plants 

Whether you’re interested in potted plants, hanging plants, or even house plants that give any room a pop of colour, it’s tough to go wrong with any of the options on this list. 

We promise you that these indoor plants won’t give you any trouble—and that everyone will be impressed with your gardening skills. 

Looking for more tips on how to make your home look its best? Curious about the latest trends in home architecture and decor? 

Keep checking back in with our blog to make sure you don’t miss out. 

And if you’re ready to build your ideal home from the ground up, be sure to look through our portfolio of home designs to learn how we can make it happen. 

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